Again?? Seriously?

How about a facelift?
I've been working for a bit updating the site. I plan to post articles, starting with discussions about AI. I also plan to post solo role playing game sessions. I recently got Star Trek Adventures: Captain's Log and I think it will be a lot of fun. So, stay tuned...

Taos Toolbox 2023
I was accepted to Taos Toolbox 2023 led by Walter Jon Williams and Nancy Kress! I'm learning a TON and getting a lot of different feedback on my writing. I feel like I've advanced a year in experience!

New control room! I don’t like it.
I've switched over to a new host for this blog, and it's already much faster. If anyone noticed downtime over the last couple days, that's why. (Nobody noticed, I'm sure.)

Good news everyone!
My first professionally published short story , "Gardens of Titan" appears in the January/February 2023 issue of Analog Science Fiction and Fact! The issue will be available on newsstands, and bookstores on December 14, 2022. (Do they still have newsstands?) It's been...

Connection Reestablished
The signal came from out of the depths of space, faint but clear - They Return.

Deflector Grid Energized
Well, I see the WordPress comment spammers have found the site. I'm trying out some anti-spam measures. If any readers have trouble leaving comments, please let me know in email or Facebook. Thanks!

The Irony of Defeat
Regardless of the dubious use of 'irony'*, I find it funny that I write about motivation in the last blog entry and then the very next week finds several days in a row where I didn't write anything. I had been writing consistently for a couple of months, so what...

Motivation Station
Recently, I answered a question posed on a message board about how to stay motivated to write. The fact that I felt that I had some advice worth giving is kind of funny, really. But I have learned quite a bit about motivation in the last year, so I thought now was as...
100 Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Books
NPR is currently running a poll for the 100 best Science Fiction and Fantasy titles. There are some interesting nominations on the list that I'm surprised and delighted to see. I thought I'd comment on some of them. If the poll is still running by the time you read...